Optimist International sponsors the Essay Contest annually – one of three contests where the grand prizes are college scholarships. At the local Club level, writers can win certificates, medallions, and cash. Winning essays advance to Zone and Area competitions.
The essay topic is posted on OI’s website in early fall, along with instructions and applications for all students under the age of 19. Essays must stay between 700 and 800 words, supporting the topic, organizational skills, referencing quotes or nonoriginal facts, and correct grammar are all part of the judging criteria.
In early November, the Senoia Optimist Club Contest Chair will notify English Department Chairs at both high schools, ELA Department Chairs at the middle schools, and REACH elementary teachers/teachers of the gifted at all schools in the eastern half of Coweta County. Home school students and virtual learners are welcome to participate, as well!
Essays are due for judging in early January. Anyone interested can contact the Senoia Optimist Club at senoiaoptimistclub@gmail.com. Students must enter the contest through a local club.
Optimist International Contest 2024 Senoia Participants

Susie Park, a 6th grader at Lee Middle School in Sharpsburg, GA.
Senoia Optimist Club’s Essay Contest Winner 2024
Pictured left to right are Jean Cotton, Senoia Optimist Contest Chair, Susie Park, and Adriana Cantwell, Language Arts Department Chair, Lee Middle School

Mrs. Laura Farmer and 7th grade Language Arts Students at Bass Middle School
Senoia Optimist Club’s Essay Contest Participants 2024
Mrs. Laura Farmer, 7th grade Language Arts teacher at Bass Middle School, required all her students to participate in the essay contest.

Mrs. Amanda Knopp and Students
Senoia Optimist Club’s Essay Contest Participants 2024
Mrs. Amanda Knopp, 6-7th grade teacher of the gifted, had several participants in her classes. Pictures are Mrs. Knopp, left, Mrs. Cotton, and principal Dr. Jeanette Hallam, far right.